Salt Institute for Documentary Studies

Located in Portland, Maine, the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies offers a 15-week immersion program for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in documentary writing, photography, or radio.
This blog is an update of current Salt students insights and musings.


James Nachtwey's Wish.

For those of you who loved the documentary War Photographer about James Nachtwey that we watched in Prof. Grady's class, you might find his recent acceptance speech at the 2007 TED Conference super interesting. You get to hear more on Nachtwey's philosophy about his role as a documentarian, and you see a great slide show of his work. In TED speeches many speakers make a wish of some kind, an idea that they hope other innovative thinkers will find a way to put into practice. Nacthwey's wish: " gaining access to a story that needs to be told, and developing a new, digital way to show these photos to the world." As documentarians coming to age during a new kind of technologic saavy, we might be in the best position to fulfill his wish.

Just something to think about.

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