Salt Institute for Documentary Studies

Located in Portland, Maine, the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies offers a 15-week immersion program for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in documentary writing, photography, or radio.
This blog is an update of current Salt students insights and musings.


The Writers Speak!

I am a writer, but you'll find at Salt that we're all interested in each other's fields, even though it sometimes feels like we don't see people in the photography or radio programs for weeks at a time.

Those radio kids are some pretty cool cats (though not as sexy as the writers) with some mad audio skillz that I covet. So I decided to try my hand at a radio VoxPop, as part of my ongoing quest to invent new ways to procrastinate and also because I suspected we writers would produce some good sound.

Disclaimer: I did this old school style, with my analog cassette recorder and free Internet software, so be kind.

"The Hard Questions"
, a writing program audio post.


Anonymous said...

A writing student - producing this great of a piece? EXCELLENT! :)

michaela said...

Go Megan! Nice work on this. I especially liked all the giggling... ;)