Salt Institute for Documentary Studies

Located in Portland, Maine, the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies offers a 15-week immersion program for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in documentary writing, photography, or radio.
This blog is an update of current Salt students insights and musings.


Moose in the fieldwork

I'm up here in moose country. I've been recording for 16 hours. I'm beat. Just beat. This moose hunt story consumes my every waking thought. Considering I only slept four and a half hours last night, that's a lot of hours. The story is evolving into something much more complex and even more interesting and compelling than I expected.
The food options up here are letting me down. I need to remember to drink more water. I've been covered in woolen clothing, top to bottom, and there's more time to put in yet. It was 34 degrees this morning. It only got up to 56 at noon time.
Did I say how in love I am with all this? I cried from joy twice today. The beauty of old men and their deeply held friendships. All the wide open land, potato fields and their farmers. The huntress. She's on a worthy journey. Somehow I'm lucky enough to be here. So damn lucky.

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