Salt Institute for Documentary Studies

Located in Portland, Maine, the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies offers a 15-week immersion program for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in documentary writing, photography, or radio.
This blog is an update of current Salt students insights and musings.


Stood Up

I had arranged an interview today with a recovering OxyContin addict. This person told me they had been clean for one year, one week. They were involved in Narcotics Anonymous and volunteering to help people recovering from opiate addiction. I was very excited about this interview. I thought I would meet a potential subject through this person, which would be a huge step forward for my second story. After meeting with this person and hearing their story, they would ascertain that I was a totally reliable and cool person whose contact information they could give to everyone they knew, and I would be gold and everything would be grand.

So there I am sitting at Arabica Coffee waiting for my 11 o'clock appointment with this person. 11:30 rolls by. Noon. I don't know anymore answers for the Boston Globe's Sunday crossword puzzle. It turns 12:30, and I leave. Stood up.

Before I came to Salt, I was a freelance news reporter for one year. I racked my brain before writing this post, trying to remember if someone just never showed up for their interview with me. I can't remember a similar instance. Stood up. A first.

By: Amanda, writing.

1 comment:

academic writers said...

You have a very interesting and full life! I'm a freelance news editor now and I want to make my life more interesting and exciting!